Thursday 24 October 2019

Manaiakalani & Outreach Wananga 2019

What a fabulous welcome, as always, from Point England akonga.

Pat Sneddon

Pat described it as a "cauldron of change". Tipping orthodoxy on its head. The statistics for ethnicity in our education system is not ok. It's fundamentally wrong and needs to change. 
The "Manaiakalani Outreach Expansion Investment" is all about getting the things that facilitate what we do built into the education funding budget in future. 


Arron & Rebecca
Backwards mapping from th student outcomes, back towards what kind of leadership choices are going to impact those the greatest.

Longitudinal writing data shows us, compared with norm, an accelerated trajectory. 
Readding data is parallel and not accelerated, as is math.

What are we thinking about, in terms of teachers and in terms of teachers. It's the same message... what can ee do to build on the strengths of writing that we have achieved? While our conversation today was about reading... it's the same for math.

Background: 2018 Milestone Findings (TMP Slide 16)

  • Recommendation 1: Resource Base
    • Within the focus on strong language competence, develop a shared resource base that builds oral and written languages for curriculum content
Lots of practice reading authentic texts and how to unpack those particular texts. If we as teachers are simplifying the text and summarising the text for the students all too often, we are removing their opportunities to practice reading skills.

"Instruction that focuses on deeper features of reading, such as criticality, helps lift all aspects of reading whereas too much focus on features such as literal meaning-making places a ceiling on reading development"
When we focus on the deeper features, it also lifts the surface features. The opposite is not true, from all indicators. Literacy is a social act, which is why collaboration is so great for improving literacy. There is no evidence that strategy instruction and increasing criticality is not present. These have been key areas indicated for a number of years now...


Hannah -
Sandra -
Santi -
Joanne - This could link really well into what Whakamanawa are doing.
Marc - Learners combining Assesment capability with agency, culminating in creating digital assessment records.
Kelsey - Raising Reading Achievement. Tool relates to Purple/Gold/Silver readding levels.
Amber - from Belfast School - Storytelling (make link to Kathleen's blog post from her Storytelling PD)
Eugene - Literature circles, video creation and blogging to accelerate reading (Context of Yr6 Boys).
Nicola - iPad APp to support writing in the early years. Could we do something in our kura/cluster, to develop a word card relevant to our learners?
Naomi - recording learners reading.



  • What lower leverage activities can students/teachers do less of in order that they can do more higher leverage activities?
  • Are we ensuring that there are opportunities for rich discussions?
  • We are hearing the same recommendations. Why are we not listening and actioning change!?

What Next?

  • We need to be actioning change. It's simple.
    • More authentic texts
    • More extended discussions.
  • I've listened to multiple examples of learners recording their reading, to improve reading mileage as well as oral language. How might this look? I'm pondering a separate blog, where learners use the secret blog email address to email their post, including recording, to this blog...?

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