Friday 16 February 2024

RPI - Day 1 Reading is Core

 This is where the rubber hits the road.


Here's a copy of my notes jotted throughout the day. I had documented them in a google doc... and then tore my hair out trying to transfer them effectively into a blogpost (that could be viewed without cringing too much). Lessons learned for next time!!!

So many "So what now moments", some of which I have labelled as "**Thought provocations" through my notes.

Next sessions Post will be much more streamlined.


  1. Fantastic to see you back in a PLD programme Mel, and to reconnect with your blog. You have contributed so much to the Manaiakalani Network over years as you have generously shared and we have 'kept an eye out' for what you are doing next and learnt from you. Great to see you in the RPI.

    1. Thanks Dorothy.It's an absolute pleasure to be a part of the programmeand, even after all of these years, I'm still pretty passionate about the opportunities it (and affordances) give to our learners.

  2. Kia ora Mel,

    A lot of takeaways from Day 1, which is awesome. Sorry you had 'hair trouble' with google docs and blogs. I wonder if this is because you now use Edublogs and are out of practice with Blogger :) Out of what you did and heard about on Day 1, what would you say you are looking to change in your own practice first?


    1. I'm eager to get using the Ground Rules for Talk, across all learning areas. I think this would really benefit setting our classes up for success. I'm chomping at the bit to get our reading programmes under way!

  3. Great question Angela! It's actually a question that I plan to pose to my colleagues after our LCS Relaunch too.
    I've already completed a Reader Profile Survey with my hub. I plan on stacking our class shelves with a Nartional Library order prompted by it.

  4. Some great content in here Mel, I am really looking forward to seeing this come into our classes and learning programmes.

  5. Thanks for your reflection, Mel, and so great to see you online :) Love the note taking, and your thought provocations throughout. I can't wait to see what your survey results look like, I always enjoy looking at what kids say.

    See you next time,

  6. Thanks Mel, I am looking forward to hearing about the Reading surveys and see how setting up the ground rules go.

    1. Tune in this week as we have that discussion with the learners!


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