Thursday 12 September 2024

Best laid plans...

Reader Profile Survey T3

I thought I was onto a winner as I had found the perfect slide deck to make a copy of, that incorporates the data from the beginning, middle and end of year. It looked magic! I got in early in term 3, so I could get the reader profile survey done, ready to examine.

My hunch has been that attitudes toward reading have increased. Akonga have been eager to share a synopsis of the books they are reading. There have been mornings where learners are seen sitting at their desks reading when they get to school early.

Learners are reading a wide variety of books, as well as broadening the variety of books they are reading, rather than sticking to the same set of books (either a series or same author).

For some reason, and a couple of hours (and a lot of coffee) I'm having formatting issues with creating a pie chart from my google sheet. Such a simple task... but it's not working properly. I'm parking it and coming back to it!

It has been really great to utilise National Library books, along with Duffy books, to carefully select books that individual learners may like, to send home for reading for enjoyment. This was part of discussions with parents at our Parent interviews. 
I'm finding it really beneficial to use the reader Profile Survey as part of the process of ordering National Library books. 

Despite all the frustration of transferring the data to a graph... my highlight is a quote, based on question 15: Is there anything else you want your teacher to know about your feelings toward reading?:
We need more reading time

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