Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Reviving the blogs

 Over the last couple of years, the interest in our learner blogs has dwindled. In my opinion, this is down to teachers not placing importance and therefore time on it, as well as an assumption that learners "aren't up to it". Time is placed on the things that we value. We know that this year will be next level, with all of the curriculum changes; Teaching level changes; Device changes, therefore practice. I'm heading into the new school year with a mindset of how we can accelerate learning and practice.

We have students who slowly build, like the momentum of a train as it leaves the station, picking up the pace and quality of their posts. The end of the year has seen a number of students suddenly posting for the Summer Learning Journey, encouraged by the regular comments that they receive from the Manaiakalani team, as well as their peers.

So how do we keep the momentum going?

It has to come from both angles. Output and Input. The context for this year is that there are fewer students who are in the habit of posting on a blog. The seasoned ākonga will all be in one of the 4 classes. There are many students in the other three classes who have never had a blog before. We need to up the ante with them, while building good effective practice with the other learners.


Those students who are already in the routine of posting their learning to their blog need to be encouraged to allow this to not only continue but grow.
In order to facilitate this, there are a number of things being implemented at the beginning of the term. 
  • Our Kawa of Care will be given to parents at the Discussions that precede the school year, with an emphasis on learners not being on devices until this is signed and returned. This sets clear expectations for Teachers, Learners and parents alike.
  • Blogs have already been set up for all learners before the term begins so that there are no hold-ups or barriers. Each Teacher has their class attached to them, with an expectation that they will be managing and monitoring these.
  • Cybersmart lessons are a must. These need to actually be being taught to enforce and reinforce the key messages. Over the holidays I have spotted that some learners had posted their Mihi to their blog. This tells me that the cybersmart message of Privte v Personal is not getting through, to both the learners and the teachers.
  • For students new to blogging, they can be facilitated to start blogging with the Cybersmart lessons, then transferring the learning into posting from other learning areas. 
These are the foundations.


Without the comments, what is the purpose? This is what builds the authenticity of the posts.
  • Accessing Blogs from the Learning Site. Digital Learning Objects have been set up for each class, with links to each students blog. It's easy to read as well as use. 
  • I am going to recreate something that has been successful in the past. Bloggers of the week. There will be a slide Deck with one student from each class identified on a slide. Students will read and comment on theose blogs throughout the week. Fish tickets can be utilised as a positive reinforcement for completing. This is easily set up in advance, and the front slide being the current week's focus. Alongside this slide deck will be the Effective Blog Comment Rubric, for easy reference.
  • Backing up the Bloggers of the Week, I will personally make sure I am commenting on other students posts. I will set aside time to do this throughout the week. I will also encourage the other teachers to be doing this too, choosing a minimum number of students from their home class to comment on.
  • To emphasise authenticity, I am going to utilise our School management database and subscribe with parent emails to their child's blog. Spoon feeding ensures it's done. All they need to do is click accept in an email. 
  • I will send a message out to parents to encourage family/wider whanau to subscribe to the learner's blogs too.

What will success look like?

  • By the end of term one, students will be posting a minimum of three blog posts each week.
    • I will monitor the statistics and identify patterns. 
      • Is the teacher needing support? 
      • Is the learner needing more support to help their ability to post?
  • By the end of term one, all students will have at least three comments on their blog. The next Step will be to encourage Replying to those comments.
Like anything, there needs to be aspirational expectations (How can we?) in order to progress forward, rather than the negativity that spawns from excuse-making (We can't because...").

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